Open Roads And Open Minds

Jul 24, 2020
Open Roads And Open Minds

10 Ideas to inspire your surfing in 2020.

For those of who have been waiting with bated breath for the WSL to get going again, the recent cancelation of the 2020 tour might have come as a jolting blow to your premeditated surf psyche.  For others, if the first half of 2020 wasn’t used to reconnect to your own surfing journey, then maybe the rest of the year should be!

Welcome to the beginning of 2020.  Yes, we know its late July, but with pro surfing officially off the table (save for a few speciality events) for the rest of the year, we can now set our sights on a distraction free back half of the year – Covid-19 permitting of course.  Obviously we’d love to be watching our team compete across the world – and we’re sending love to our global ambassadors Caio Ibelli and Stevie Sawyer particularly... and our QS warriors too. We know your time will come again soon.

And if you’re not a pro surfing fan, you’re probably rolling your eyes and wondering what all the fuss is about.  Hey, some of us love our sport... but we understand both sides of the fence. Regardless, it’s time to open our minds and think a little outside of our post isolation bubbles.

First things first though, some countries are still spiking in terms of the number of Covid-19 cases, and we have to be sensitive towards that.  Secondly, some countries have travel restrictions in place, within their own states or provinces, so sometimes we need to get creative.  And thirdly, its summer in the northern hemisphere and winter down south – there are equal amounts of fun and adventure on offer if you’re keen to get a little creative.

Here are 10 ideas to inspire you through the rest of 2020.

  1. Add a non-performance board to your quiver. If you are late to this party, we’d suggest you jump on it right away.  Adding a fish, mid-length, log or something quirky to your quiver will add variety and an element of fun you never even realised you’ve been missing out on!
  2. We’ve said it before, but it’s one of our favourite past times. Road Trip! Every weekend if you have to, and within the laws of course. And if you’re lucky enough to work remotely, then pack a few extra clothes or throw a mattress or tent in the boot and go for a little longer. Expanding your horizons is good for your mental health, great for the local economy you’re visiting and even better if you score a few waves along the way.
  3. Mix up your fins. You’ll be so surprised what a difference it makes. Subtle variances in rake, weight and flex can absolutely change the way your board feels on a wave.  Don’t get stuck in one train of thought, you might be missing out on that magic combination you’ve been dreaming of.
  4. Shape a board. Surely there couldn’t be something more satisfying? Riding a wave on a board shaped by your own hands!  It might not be perfect, but it’ll be an experience you’ll cherish!  Knock on your local shaper’s door and see where it goes!
  5. Join your local boardriders club. It doesn’t even matter if you’re not into the competitive scene – boardriders clubs create great local communities to get involved in and gives you a great excuse to hang out and surf a few uncrowded waves with your mates on a Sunday.
  6. Shoot your mates. Not literally of course. Grab a camera, GoPro or even your iPhone and shoot a few clips of each other surfing. Not only will it give you bragging rights and social media content, but you might also learn a thing or two along the way.
  7. Keep an eye on cheap flights. As airlines are trying to get back on their feet worldwide, there are a myriad of specials continuously popping up online.  Pick a domestic destination you feel safe to travel to and see what you can find!
  8. Start a surf travel journal. Documenting your surf travel adventures is a great way to secure those memories for years to come.  From the seed of adventure to following the surf forecast, scoring waves and telling stories around the campfire. Ah, its food for the soul.
  9. Teach someone to surf. This might just be the most rewarding thing you’ll do in 2020!  Passing on the gift of surfing to someone else is as gratifying as it gets — seeing that look of stoke on their faces will only stoke your fire more! Surf – pass it on!
  10. Take the path less travelled. There are always two choices... the low road and the high road. But seriously, how many times have you driven past a dusty turn off and wondered where it leads? Or a bush track you heard of, that took you down to a secluded cove? You know the saying... you never know if you don’t go! Adventure comes to those who look for it!

So there you have it. There might not be any major surf events to watch until the end of the year, but that’s OK, we think we’ve got you covered with this list.  You’ve got 5 months to get it all done. Your time starts, now.

May the waves be good where you are!